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Thought Leadership

For nearly two decades, NewVantage Partners has been at the forefront of framing the conversation — defining what it means to be a data-driven organization.  

We provide world-class thought-leadership through our executive roundtables, published articles, industry keynotes, and annual c-suite executive survey.

Big Data and AI Executive Survey

“NewVantage Partners executive survey one of the few I have seen

that focuses on large organizations and offers responses from C-level executives”.

- Thomas H. Davenport, Visiting Professor at Said Business School, University of Oxford


NewVantage Partners Big Data executive survey was first conducted in 2012 -- in response to Fortune 1000 business and technology C-Executives who sought to understand the potential impact of Big Data, and its implications for their businesses.  


The survey has been widely quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, Forbes, and across the mainstream business media.  It has become the established industry benchmark for tracking the adoption of Big Data and AI within Fortune 1000 businesses.  

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Executive Advisory Board

NewVantage Partners Executive Advisory Board shares thought-leadership perspectives through active participation in executive roundtables and client advisory engagements. The board is comprised of a distinguished group of business and technology C-level executives, and respected industry thought-leaders.The Executive Advisory Board has comprised over 20 senior industry executives or academic leaders in rotating terms since it was established in 2004. Current and past advisory board members have included C-Executives representing American Express, Bank of America, CitiGroup, Harvard Business School, Harvard Medical School, JP Morgan, Lincoln Financial, MetLife, MIT, and State Street.

Executive Advisory Services

NewVantage Partners offers executive advisory services on a subscription basis to organizations seeking an independent, outside-the-four-walls, expert perspective from practitioners who have "sat in the chair" and benefit from advising leading organizations across the industry.

Publications & Media 

NewVantage Partners  perspectives and case studies appear regularly in the leading national business press--monthly columns in Forbes, and frequent contributed articles in MIT Sloan Management Review and Harvard Business Review. 

To learn more, see  Publications

Executive Viewpoints

NewVantage Partners authors industry perspectives on key topics of interest of Fortune 1000 business and technology leaders.

Please see below for examples of our recent Viewpoints. 


From a Data Perspective

Dealing with the Pandemic Now and the New Normal to Follow

Data Governance Framework

Governing Data Assets and Enabling the Use of Data

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